Dogsledding and things around Kiruna

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view from the sled

We also went dogsledding. It was great. The dogs were really excited and barking until they got to run.
It was just us and our guide, Mike. He told us all about each dog and how he races with them too.
We took this photo from the sled - the frozen lake, trees and blue sky were really beautiful.
Mike also let us drive for a while!


The dogs are really excited and anxious to get going, especially the last ones harnessed to the sled.

jon on the dogsled


us bundled up

We stopped to have a snack of reindeer and salmon sandwiches, cloudberry muffins and tea.

polar bear

Everywhere in Kiruna seemed to have ice sculptures.
This polar bear was in front of the Scandic Hotel, where we had supper on Valentine's Day.

harnessing the dogs

Our guide Mike harnessing the dogs to the sled. He usually takes 12 dogs, but because it was only the two of us instead of four, he only used 10 dogs. When he trains, he uses all 20 of his dogs!


flipper and shy

These are the two lead dogs, Flipper and Shy.

snow trolls


Snow sculptures everywhere!
These trolls were part of a snow carving
contest the week before we were there.

Instead of little red wagons, kids get pulled around on little sleds.


sled parking

Sled parking only!

These were the coolest things. Mostly older ladies used them. You just stand on the runners and slide downhill, or walk between the runners and use it sort of like a walker. They put groceries or shopping bags on the front shelf.





sled crossing

Only in the Arctic Circle.... not pedestrian crossing, sled crossing!

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