Just a sneak preview of more photos to come!!


We started off in Italy, traveling to Rome and Naples, then taking a ferry to Greece.


Does this photo really need a caption?

mt. vesuvius

We climbed to the top of Mt. Vesuvius, the volcano that buried the ancient city of Pompeii.


A view of Greece from the boat in the morning.


Acropolis in Athens.
Look - they're even rebuilding the ruins for the Olympics?

at another volcano

We went on a boat tour around a few little islands and hiked around the volcano that created the islands. Later we swam out to thermal springs.

sunset in Greece

Greek sunset on the island of Santorini.

Bella Musica

We're having a shot of palinca at a wine cellar, in Brasov, Romania, with some people we met at the hostel.

Jon (running the digital camera most of the time) got tired of taking pictures in Bulgaria and Romania. It also made us stick out even more in these poorer countries, so we don't have tons of photos from there.

We'll scan some in soon though.


We toured Auschwitz in Kracow, Poland.


It was a good thing to see, but not in a way most tourist attractions are.


We visited our friend Esther and her parents in Belgium. This is in Antwerp - Antwerp translates literally to "hand throw." There's a famous legend about this...

at the beach

We visited Birgit in the Hague (this is at the beach at night) and Inge in Heemskerk, also traveling to Amsterdam in Holland.

More to come later...

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